Friday, March 14, 2008

One trailer to rule them all ?!

I've been gone a long time. Some of you know why, some of you don't. The truth is I just wasn't updating the site. But now I'm out of that funk and I bring with me, TRAILERS. Oodles and oodles of 'em, well a few. During my short hiatus several of this summer's biggies released new trailers and as much as am awaiting all of their releases, only one of these trailers made me pee my pants (from excitement, not my overused bladder-related excuse). Rather than posting all these trailers separately on various posts, I'm just going to post them until I reach my maximum information limit. So without further ado, well, one more thing. Please, I know there isn't much on the site but I would appreciate all visitors to leave a comment or at least vote on the polls to the right--->; just any kind of feedback so I know I'm not posting to just one loser in Tunisia. Now, let's get on with the trailers. Like I hinted earlier about my favorite trailer, I want to start with SPEED RACER. That's right, SPEED RACER. If you're as happy as I am to see this, good, if not, then just keep your mouth shut and watch IRON MAN or something. Hit the jump below to see the rest of the batch.

Is it just me or...can you not stop watching that bed fall on Will Ferrell? Yep, you're going to watch it again right now aren't you? Yep, me too.