We here at GREEN HOUSE FILM REVIEWS have been promoting the TWILIGHT film since it was announced a year ago and that sultry release date is almost upon us, November 21st. One week after QUANTUM OF SOLACE blows our face off, TWILIGHT will come and tenderly nuzzle the bridge of its nose against our chin and nonchalantly stick its teeth into our neck/wallet. Tonight, we bring you the latest and perhaps last trailer for TWILIGHT before it hits theaters and collectively rips the panties off of young (and presumably of legal age) females nationwide (myself included?). Well, since it was just released online, the quality is pretty bad, but tolerable. I'd say this is the best trailer so far, giving us scenes we actually want to see instead of a mess of ones that make the film feel made-for-TV. Enjoy.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
New trailer for our (beloved?) TWILIGHT; might not be as great as a live-action GARGOYLES film, but it'll do
Trailer for THE UNBORN; amazingly enough, it's not a remake
David Goyer, a name closely associated with BATMAN BEGINS and THE DARK KNIGHT. Goyer has also directed such smash hits like THE INVISIBLE most recently and BLADE: TRINITY before that. So, when I read a while back that he was spearheading a new horror/mystery, I was excited but then immediately grounded also reading that neither Jonathan nor Christopher Nolan had anything to do with this film, and in their stead, Michael Bay. Don't worry, I'm not here to grind Mr. Bay, no, I've moved on to Mr. Ratner. But now, the trailer is out and it does look, while still generic (even the title. Seriously, what was wrong with just UNBORN?), creepily intense. I'm sure it'll be successful at the box office and I have been looking forward to the next mediocre American horror film (no one tops the Asians). Enjoy below the trailer for THE UNBORN.