Tuesday, May 27, 2008

CHOKE trailer induces coma--got ya ! Didn't see that one comin' did ya?

Not sure if you remember but a while back I presented you all with a Sundance Channel exclusive clip behind the scenes of the upcoming film adaptation of Chuck Palahniuk's CHOKE, but I did. Now, little ol' CHOKE has itself a purdy little trailer, and it is quite purdy indeed. Check it out for yourself below. CHOKE is written and directed for the screen by Clark Gregg aka the SHIELD agent from IRON MAN that kept harassing Pepper Potts for a sit-down with Tony Stark about his escape from the terrorists. Ya, that guy, he's great.

It really is a fun trailer but I wish it was marketed a little differently and not play on the whole "he's unconsiously trying to change his ways" deal. Also I guess, even though they showed choking scenes, it wasn't played up at all. We'll have to wait for the film.