Friday, February 15, 2008

Pourquoi Si Sérieux ?

I've always loved the French language. Combine that with my love for Batman and upcoming The Dark Knight and we get a French dubbed trailer for The Dark Knight. This trailer has been out for a little while but I only discovered it a little while ago. I love it, especially because I seemed to have memorized every line of the English trailer and recite it proudly in showers/automobiles/waiting rooms. It's a fun watch and is all the more interesting if you understand French. Enjoy.


Anonymous said...

Can you please post the script to this trailer? All I can understand is "bonsoir, commissaire," and a few other words. I want to enjoy French as much as you do! Thanks!

Nizar Babul said...

I'm definitely not a French speaker and am not sure if this translation is correct but hey, I tried:

"Vous avez changé les choses, ajamais.
A voir les, juste un monstre, comme moi."

That is just the opening so I am sorry, but that's all I can decipher and I barely speak any French.
You might be better trying to type the English into a translator and getting it that way. Let me know how it goes. THE DARK KNIGHT is finally upon us. I'm excited, and you?

Anonymous said...

That is wrong.

Here's the correct translation for the first part:

Tu as changé des choses - à jamais.
Impossible de faire marche arrière
A leurs yeux - tu n'es qu'un monstre - comme moi!

Qu'est-ce qu'on a?

Eh, Rien. Ni nom, ni pseudo, vêtements sur mesure. Rien dans les poches à part des couteaux et de la poussière.

Bonsoir, commissaire!

Pourqoui cet air si sérieux?

Où est-il?

Les gens meurent, que pourrais-je y faire?

On dure-le! Devenez le paria, faites le choix auquel personne ne fera face. Le bon choix. Gotham a besoin de vous.

Un peu de combativité! J'aime ça.

Alors, tu vas m'adorer.

Voilà qui est mieux, Monsieur Wayne.

Tout ça fait partie du plan.

Vas-y. Blesse-moi. Mettons un sourire sur ce visage!

Some parts from: