MTV Movie Awards were a few nights ago and there are tons of great clips from it but since you can find those on tons of site all over the interweb, I'll save them for a W(what)T(the)V(video)?! post several months from now. What is hot topic no matter what day it is here on GreenHouseFilmReviews is TWILIGHT. I have two quick interview clips from pre-Awards show out on the Gold Carpet with Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart who respectively play Edward Cullen and Bella Swan.
It's great to see them both promoting the film but, and I know that they are still fairly young actors, but aren't they just the worst at PR? I mean, watching Rob even in other interviews for TWILIGHT, the guy just says the wrong stuff...all the time. Oh well, as long as he has the acting talent, he'll be fine by me (if anything can be learned from Tom Cruise's escapades). Well, here's part one of the interview. Hit the jump below part two. Catch ya later Twilighters.
Is it just me or...would anyone else want Ellen Page to play Bella? How great would that be? Really great, that's how great.
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