Friday, July 18, 2008

EW's new WATCHMEN cover; seriously EW, hire me as your lead photographer

Entertainment Weekly has released their cover for next week's edition and the hot topic is of course, WATCHMEN. The issue features a nice article and all new pictures that you can check out right over at Okay, now it's time for me to start whining. Ugh... first my little fuss over the TWILIGHT cover, and now this. To the untrained eye there might not appear to be an issue with the cover but if look closely...there is! It's the lighting! EW is infamous for this issue in a lot of the covers in their backlog. Now I know that EW isn't Esquire or Premiere, but their presentation would look a lot classier if they just lit and photographed their covers a little better. The cover though is a great homage to WATCHMEN covers and poster in the past like the ones posted below.

Another cool thing, the folks at Rope of Silicon have done what I was going to do myself, compare some of the screens from the WATCHMEN trailer from earlier today to frames from the graphic novel. It's definitely worth a look if you're into it like I am.

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