Monday, September 1, 2008

Become the cultrured thinker you've only pretended to be

Today is an important day for Muslims around the world for it marked the first day in the month of Ramadan. The month is famous for the Prophet Muhammad receiving the revelation of the Quran. So,as part of the month's traditions, we are obligated to fast. For some, we not only fast from food during the day, but we fast from many other entertaining activities for the month's entirety. For me, this includes, watching films, television, playing videogames and a few others that done for entertainment. Being the cinephile that I am, it is of course a difficult task but it's not supposed to be easy.
So for this month, I will still be bringing you film news, updates, and screenshots, but I will not be viewing any of the trailers that I post on the site and therefore will not really have any input. Don't your worry, we'll manage.
Stay tuned and enjoy the month of awesome films like BURN AFTER READING, GHOST TOWN, TAKEN, BLINDNESS, BATTLE IN SEATTLE, APPALOOSA, EAGLE EYE, MIRACLE AT ST. ANNA, and CHOKE. Also, enjoy the month of excellent television premieres like THE SHIELD, SONS OF ANARCHY, IT'S ALWAYS SUNNY IN PHILADELPHIA, FRINGE, TRUE BLOOD, ENTOURAGE, and THE SARAH CONNER CHRONICLES. Whoa, that's a lot of good stuff. I hope my DVR doesn't run out of space...

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